Flick (Felicity) knew there was something different about the scruffy little shop with the neat red and gold sign. What she finds inside proves it, and suddenly makes her normal life with a baby brother, working parents and an impending new school – very boring.

This Travel Agency is like no other, and the sole travel agent is only a few years older than Felicity herself. Jonathon Mercator is just as pleased to meet Flick as she is discovering him. She is the first new person he has met in years that can see what he sees all around them. Magic!

Sent home with information about the secret Strangeworlds Society, Flick reads into the night. She has to know more! Soon she is on adventures at Jonathon’s side, experiencing (almost) flying, crystal forests, weird animals and enchanted lands.

Jonathon is looking for his father who never returned from a trip. Following clues left in a journal, they always seem a step behind. On a visit to a place called Five Lights, they learn of streets, shops and even people vanishing. Something is terribly wrong. Flick also discovers that Jonathon hasn’t been telling her everything he knows. Not only is he hiding secrets about the StrangeWorlds, he hasn’t told her the whole truth about the Magic she can see.

With a vanishing world around them, evil forces want to escape Five Lights. They know the Strangeworlds Society is the key and Flick is in their sights.

Simply Brilliant! I loved the magic of The Magic Faraway Tree as a child, and then the Narnia Wardrobe as I grew. The same thrill and wonder was present as I met the key characters and travelled through the StrangeWorlds Travel Agency to just a few of the different worlds possible.

I loved learning about the building blocks, history and mechanics of this Society, which have set rules and regulations as they explore strange worlds – new and old. This story is complete but launches us into a new series that stands out among a plethora of magical stories for Tweens. Book yourself a trip with this Travel Agency. You won’t regret it!

Author – L D Lapinski

Age – 8+

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Read a Review of the 2nd Book in this Series here (Click on the Book Cover)

Strangeworlds (2) Book Review Cover












(Magic, Wonder, Travel, Mystery, Secrets Society, Loss, Power, Series)

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