John and his younger brother Stewart don’t like that their dad has to go away for work. But 21 days ago96 Miles Book Review Cover he promised it would be the last time. The problem is, that soon after he left, so did the electricity.

He was supposed to be back way before now, and they can’t understand why he isn’t. They are well prepared though, as dad has taught them about survival and their house is well stocked with food, water and a generator to keep the fridge going.

The brothers would have been fine if it wasn’t for a stranger turning up one day. It’s just the beginning of their troubles, and then a tortured fight for survival. John knows he’s in charge. Sure he’s only 13 and Stewart 11, but dad would expect him to step up and look after his brother. He decides they need to travel to a friend’s ranch for life-saving supplies. The only problem is that there is 96 miles of desert road between them and safety.

They meet other kids on the way – Cleverley and her little brother Will. John doesn’t want to have to look after them too, well aware the supplies they do have aren’t even enough for two, let alone four. But soon they are a troup of four trudging South in the hot sun.

It might be a barren piece of country but there are others on the roads. Others who need supplies too, not caring who they take them from. John does his best to keep them safe and get them across the desert, but the stress, heat, hunger and thirst is sapping all of their strength and he’s not sure how he’s ever going to get there.


The terror of this story comes out of nowhere (loss of electricity) and through the worst side of human nature. The safety and comfort the siblings have of a full supplies cupboard is ripped from them as suddenly as the electricity, throwing them in an impossible position. Stay home and die or try and cross the desert to safety and maybe die on the way.

Stewart joking about a zombie apocalypse is so authentic. It’s one of the first thing people would joke about to break the tension, and Stewart is covering his fear of something else. I’ll let you discover what that is.

A lot of this novel is four kids walking, but when the action does happen, it is intense. All this walking provides time to get to know one another, with John being made to see some things about his character, and me realising that Stewart isn’t such a selfish brat after all!

There are guns and knives, but no blood caused by them, so I think this book is fine for age 11 up.

Author – J S Esplin

Age 11+


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(2021, Tor Books, MacMillan, Action, Adventure, Bullies, Courage, Crime, Family, Friendship, Greed, Growing up, Revenge, Secret, Sibling Rivalry, Desert, Tortoise, Theft, Left for dead, Bravery, A brother’s love, Sacrifice, Walk, Hike, Tramp, Thirst, Hunger, Water, Hotwire)

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