Emika Chen makes her way in life as a bounty hunter. She tracks down anyone who has an alert out on them from the police. Many of theWarcross Book Review Cover alerts are to do with theft or illegal gambling on the game that millions around the world log into every day – Warcross.

Business is bad at the moment, her rent is overdue, her credit card maxed out and her jobs not paying. When she logs into Warcross herself for a bit of escapism from her problems, she sees a possible solution. It’s highly illegal, dangerous and totally crazy, but she’s desperate enough to try it. Using her highly tuned computer coding skills, she takes that chance.

This one crazy decision takes her on a ride of wealth, subterfuge, spying, friendship, a little romance and more danger than she’s ever encountered in her bounty hunter career. Her new mission is to track down someone who calls themselves Zero. Zero is putting the entire game of Warcross and the system that runs it into possible meltdown, and Emika’s bounty hunter skills are put to the ultimate test.

But who is the mystery person in the black, battle strengthened uniform? Who is behind the name Zero and what does he/she really want?


Any gaming fans will love the battle scenes, the action – play by play, the technology talk, and the intrigue of Emika’s mission. The slowly played out romance attached to it, has its own mysteries without being too mushy for those who like to avoid it.

The ending took me by surprise, and leads straight into the next book – Wildcard. Great read!

Author – Marie Lu

Age – 14+


Read a review for the sequel ( Click on the Cover)

Wildcared Book Review Cover














(Gaming, Relationship, Danger, Action, Computer Coding, Underworld, Dark web, Crime, Team, Series, Tokyo, Japan, Family, Secrets, Technology)

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