If you turn the first few pages you will meet someone who will tell you that you are NOT holding a book.This is NOT a Book Book Review Cover

After all, a book needs Pages – Hang on, just because you turned a page….

A book needs a main character, someone who is along for the ride the whole way. Wait a minute!

What about setting, and danger and problems? What is going on?

A solution is needed quickly! If only we could think of something!

…..Phew? Problem solved, or is it?

We’ll keep running until…The End

No way is this a book.


A fun and clever way to show the building blocks of a story.

A cover to be opened and pages to be turned.

A character with a tale to tell.

Throw in outer space, the wilds of Africa or even just your lounge at home, and you have a setting. Suddenly…

…something happens, the danger builds and tension rises. Bang! Your imagination has taken you places you need to find a way to get out of. Can you escape? Phew!

The only problem with a book, tale or story is that it has to have an END.

This is a book that denies it’s a book, which is actually a book that tells you how to write a book! Loved it!

Author – Kellie Byrnes

Illustrator – Aska

Picture Book


See Teacher’s Notes here

Find more excellent books on Children’s Challenges here


(2021, Exisle Publishing, Books, Stories, How to write a book, Books about books, Reading, Children’s Challenges, Funny, Humour)


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