Do you know that trees can talk? The Wishtree tells a story of a time when it broke the firm rules not to talk to humans. It knew it had toWishtree Book Review Cover speak to save a girl… and her family.


The Wishtree is what the people call a giant Red Oak in their small town. They know it has been there forever, but none know for just how long. In fact it has 216 growth rings and seen 864 seasons in its life. The Wishtree is where people for generations have tied their wishes written on rags, pieces of clothing or card.

This huge tree is the home of many animals, birds and their families, including the tree’s best friend – a crow called Bongo. All the animals call the tree Red, and appreciate how it has sheltered many generations of them too.

Red also shelters two houses, one blue, one green with letterboxes yellow and red. One day, a new family moves into one of these houses, including a young girl called Samar. Red watches Samar come and go and even sit at its trunk in the middle of the night. Red is wise after more than two centuries watching people, and can see that Samar is sad. This is revealed to be true by her own wish she ties to the tree. She would like a friend.

Red wants to help, but Bongo says it’s meddling, especially after after someone carved a nasty word in the tree. The police were called. Samar’s family knew it was against them, which makes Samar feel even worse.

The owner of Red and landlord of the blue and green houses decides enough is enough. It’s about time the tree went. It’s affecting pipes and pavements and the acorns and leaves make such a mess!

Red knows it’s time to break the rules. Finding a friend for Samar is just the beginning, but maybe the end for Red?


I love books about trees but knew this would be special as soon as I saw the author’s name. Katherine Applegate is a master at making animals seem human and now she has personified a tree. But just like (Newberry Medal Winner) The One and Only Ivan where Ivan keeps his gorillaness, Red is not just a talking tree.

This is a story of prejudice, of friendships and family. It is kindness, community and caring for those around you, even if they are animal families and the tree they love to live in.

The lush illustrations of animals scampering and leaves floating across pages, are full of life. A full page illustration of a threatening word carved into the tree is as ominous as the message it’s giving, and another full page of Red covered with wishes shows how much it is loved.

Many nature terms are scattered through the text in conversations between Red and best friend Bongo the Crow, allowing readers to learn and add to their own vocabulary. Bongo and Red’s friendship is one of loyalty, bad jokes, and humour as Red plans how to help at least one more person before the chainsaws arrive.


Author – Katherine Applegate

Illustrator – Charles Santoso

Age – 10+


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(2022, Allen & Unwin, Immigrant, Prejudice, Racism, Nature, Humour, Animals, Friendship, Kindness, Caring, Community, Save the tree, Neighbourhood, Pulling together, Coming together, Baby animals, Wisdom, Wise, Ancient, Crow, Birds, Family History, Happy Ending)


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