Atarangi‘s 12th birthday was only two weeks ago, and also her first day in Gabriel’s Gully. She’s come with her mother Hinewai, lookingChildren of the Rush Book Review Cover for her father. He had left on a trip to guide men to the goldfields but had not returned.

The unexpected news of his death has shattered them both and with no money to return home, they have taken cooking work in Gabriel’s Gully only hotel.

It’s hard work, long hours and on minimal pay. Atarangi hates the way her mother is treated by the owner Mr Jones, but Hinewai cannot speak English and is too weighed down by grief to stand up to him.

Atarangi has an idea to get them home again, but her mother won’t hear of using gold to help them. Gold has already hurt their family.


Michael is also helping one of his parents. He and his father Brendan, have just arrived in Gabriel’s Gully after a 60 mile walk west from Dunedin.

With little supplies after a terrible journey, they have even less in their bellies. Brendan has been to Gabriel’s Gully before.

It’s a rough place, smelling of unwashed bodies, and filthy campsites. But it’s their only hope of making any money to begin their lives again.


Michael and Atarangi soon become friends after Atarangi comes to their rescue with food. Just like Atarangi has a special skill in the goldfields, Michael has a way of reading people. He can see Atarangi has a good heart, even as she grieves her father.

The more they get to know each other, the more they share about themselves, making life a little easier in the rough tent-town.

While Atarangi works long shifts at the hotel with her mother, she overhears and sees things she shouldn’t. There are plans afoot of robbery  and violence, and she struggles to stand by and do nothing. She does all she can to help the robbed miners but can’t stand by when whispers and notes are being shared about another robbery.

This time she tells Michael and his father and they are both soon swept up in a plan to stop another robbery. Guns flash in the night, and Michael’s father cries out in the darkness. Has their plan worked or gone completely wrong? Michael can’t face the thought of losing another parent.

Meanwhile, Atarangi has another plan in mind – revenge on her mean and spiteful employer….


Set in 1861 in Otago, New Zealand, Children of the Rush is a thrilling read. Two children, both grieving a lost parent, meet on the very first goldfields in New Zealand history – Gabriel’s Gully.

Michael and Atarangi have very special talents. One could be rich beyond her wildest dreams but isn’t, and the other can determine who deserves those riches.

Told in alternating chapters, Michael and Atarangi’s stories are told in first person viewpoints. Atarangi shows how Māori women were disrespected by many pakeha men around them, believing them to be workers and nothing more. Michael’s viewpoint shares a young boy’s struggle at having to grow up quickly to care for his father, and make a tough journey to a new home far from the city of Dunedin and all he has known.

Although a rough time in these character’s lives and in New Zealand history, kindness shines through from both viewpoints, lifting both their difficult lives and the storyline. Common greetings in Māori are shared between characters, giving readers some te reo to keep for themselves.

Tension builds throughout as robbery plans are overheard, shared and new plans made to foil the thieves. This type of robbery was true in real life NZ and creates an exciting page-turning read. The epilogue is particularly satisfying.

With a dyslexic friendly, larger font typeface, this new series by the author of the hugely popular Dragon Defenders Series is certain to be just as sought after. Fun facts and activities are also included in the rear of the book. 

Couldn’t put it down. Looking forward to the next adventure in Atarangi and Michael’s lives.


Author – James Russell

Age – 9+


Read a review for the next book in the series (Click on the Cover)

Children of the Rush 2 Book Review Cover



(2022, Dragon Brothers Books, NZ, New Zealand, Gold Rush, Goldfields, Grief, Greed, Crime, Robbery, Theft, Friendship, Family, Courage, Gifts, Colours, Racism, Historical, Otago, Gold Fever, Plans, Trap, Series, Action, Adventure, Revenge, Poverty)


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