Indigo is in deep trouble – with her mother and the Black Spiral Intelligence Organisation that looks after people like her. People that can read others thoughts, ‘shift’ into another animal at will, and jump through time. Her looming BSI trial is worrying for all who love her.

It’s the jumping through time that has got her in hot water as that is strictly against the rules. Doing so put many at risk, and killed her best friend Rigel’s father as they searched for her when things went wrong in one of her time jumps. At least he is assumed dead by BSI. Full of guilt, anger at the world, and shame at her relationship with a time vampire named Billy Raven, Indigo is still defiant.

Part of the trio that killed Billy Raven, she is unnerved at Billy Raven’s voice in her thoughts. Is it an echo from before or is he still alive?

Rigel is determined to find his father (Black Wolf), and Indigo wants to help as she blames herself for his disappearance. Before long they discover that Billy Raven is still alive, but how is that possible?

The more they jump back and forth in time, the more Rigel and Indigo learn about Billy Raven and where he came from. He is becoming stronger with every taking of human blood or stem cells – especially from anyone like Indigo and Rival (Offspring of the originals who contracted M Fever many years before).

They also learn of another virus sweeping the world. Riva virus is making humans infertile and the future of mankind is at stake. What will BSI do to prevent this and protect themselves? Billy Raven is part of the solution – with devastating consequences.


Wow! The 2nd book in the Eternity Loop series is mind-spinning stuff! Indigo might be in trouble for time jumping but this novel is nothing but. Keep your wits about you and keep track of the dates at the beginning of each chapter and the further you get into the book, the more you understand the Eternity Loop itself. Wow again. There are some shocking reveals that I never saw coming.

Eileen Merriman has deftly handled time travel, taking me back and forwards through time and the consequences of it. This is all through the characters astonishing abilities to not only leap through time but use telepathy and be able to shift into any animal they wish, anywhere on the planet just as in The Black Spiral Trilogy.

Love is here too – All different kinds in fact. A mother’s love no matter the result, a son’s love, and a friendship turned romantic love. There is also toxic love, spread throughout the series and across time – A love spawned from greed and a debt that must be paid.

If you’re looking for a new series to consume you, Merriman’s Black Spiral Trilogy and this follow on Eternity Loop Series is definitely for you. It’s best to read Indigo Moon first to fully comprehend Time’s Raven. Even better, read The Black Spiral Trilogy first, but this is not essential.

As always, effortless, brilliant writing from one of New Zealand Aotearoa’s best writers of YA Fiction.


Author – Eileen Merriman

Age – 15+


Find Look Inside Link here


Read a review for the first book in the Eternity Loop Series (Click on the cover)

Indigo Moon Book Review Cover














Read reviews for the Black Spiral Trilogy here


(2023, Series, New Zealand Author, NZ, Aotearoa, Future, Time Travel, Love, Sacrifice, Mystery, Time Loops, Eternal Loops, Greed, Youth, Virus, Infertility, Riveting, Multiple Viewpoints, Animals, Friendship, Courage)


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