After enjoying a special camp for children and teens with differences, Melody is enjoying life more than ever. Being able to do things thatOut of My Dreams Book Review Cover other children do at summer camps was exhilarating. Meeting others with similar daily challenges made Melody not feel so isolated from her peers, and she also made a new friend named Noah, that she keeps in touch with now she’s back home.

One day while waiting for her mum to help her get ready for the day, Melody is gazing out her window. The old lady across the road suddenly has a fall. In horror, Melody realises she isn’t moving. None of her family hear Melody’s cries of distress, so she knows that she must do something to help their elderly neighbour.

Her actions spur many unexpected events, including internet, and news fame. The most exciting result is the true identity of her neighbour and an invitation to a trip to England.

Melody along with her parents are intimidated by international travel for her, but after camp and many assurances against all their fears, Melody is winging her way to England with support at hand.

England is a different world for Melody, and her confidence builds as she achieves so much more than anyone ever imagined – all with the help of new friends, her beloved Mrs V, and Elvira – her keyboard that allows her to ‘talk’.

The main reason for the visit is a symposium for teens like her with bright young minds, and work shops for ways to make life better.


I loved the first book in this (Out of My Mind) series, and so when I had a chance to read another I grabbed it. This is the third book about Melody who has cerebral palsy. She can’t feed herself, talk, walk or even sit up straight by herself in her wheelchair – but she is learning several languages on top of the three she knows, is the top of her class, and has a great sense of humour.

To say Melody’s life is inspiring is an understatement, and as she tells her story, her doubts and fears are as real as any other young teen, but her achievements so much more powerful. She is kind, smart and funny and shares what it’s like to be locked in her body that doesn’t respond as she’d like – but her parents, sister, caregivers and new friends all accept her for who she is and what she can do. Not what she can’t.

You can read this book without the second in the series.

Thanks to Simon & Schuster & Libro for the listening copy of this book. 



Author – Sharon M Draper

Age – 9+






(2024, Simon & Schuster, Series, Accident, Elderly Neighbour, Identity reveal, England, UK, Overseas, International Travel, Symposium, Saving a life, Cerebral Palsy, Humour, London Tourist, New Friends, Resilience, Self Esteem, Speech)


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