Hi there. My name is Adele Broadbent.
Welcome to whatbooknext.com
I am a children's author of over 20 years
A children's bookseller of over 12 years
- and of course, an avid reader since forever.
Once upon a time, I was also a children's librarian.
This is where whatbooknext.com began back in 2016.

Books by Adele Broadbent

Too Many Secrets
Too many secrets, buried for too long. Becs is a sassy 12-year-old drama queen who strikes a bargain with her mother. She'll spend a few months away from home while her new step-family renovates an elegant old house in the country. When it's sold, some of the money will pay her fees at the same private school that all her friends will be attending.
But as usual, she hasn't listened properly. They aren't going to live in the old mansion - they'll be in a shack in the bush, with long drops and eight-legged wildlife!
Becs is not impressed and makes sure everyone knows it, but she also discovers a secret - a runaway boy living in a tree hut and hunting his food.
This is an intriguing and utterly believable story about friendship and old secrets.
An engrossing read with a great New Zealand setting.

Just Jack
Wee Jack Baines is tired of living in his brother's shadow. Unlike his brother Robert, Jack is no good at sports or rabbit-shooting, and is not popular at school.
Luckily for him, though, his Uncle Onslow notices that, as well as being short, Jack has a gift with horses: perfect for a jockey! And so he arranges an apprenticeship for Jack with a trainer in Napier.
Determined to prove to his family that he can be as good as Robert, Jack sets out with high hopes and dreams of success - so at last he can be called just Jack. Instead he finds a harsh and unforgiving boss, back-breaking drudgery, and a vindictive stable-mate who sees him as a rival.
His spirit is shattered when he realizes that the boss sees him as nothing more than a cheap stable-hand, and he despairs of ever becoming a winning jockey. But as the long, hot summer drags on, powerful forces are at work that will change his life forever.
Will he have the courage - and the luck - to survive?

Trouble in Time
Twelve-year-old Ben Jackson resents being thrown out of his room to sleep in a shabby caravan when his Mum's Poppa, George, comes to stay. Ben finds his great grandfather sullen and grouchy, while 91-year-old George thinks Ben spends too much time on the computer.
At first, the generation gap seems impossible to bridge - until the unthinkable happens. Ben is thrown back into 1934 with George (as a boy) in his home town of Marshville.
By sheer chance Ben discovers the way back to the present day, his mind spinning at what has happened. But Poppa doesn't acknowledge that anything's happened.
As a result of troubles with his friend Zac - and Poppa's silence - Ben becomes confused and angry and risks travelling back to 1934 again.
This time however, he is quickly under suspicion back in Marshville, while Zac is in grave danger back home, and their lives are under threat. It is up to Ben to save his great-grandfather... and their future.

Olly has always lived alone with his mum, who lets Aunty Claire make all the decisions in the family.
When he is grounded and unable to go to soccer camp he keeps running into Mad Martha who walks the streets with her shopping trolley.
He is forbidden to see or speak with her. Who is she and what aren't they telling him?

If Only
K’s first real try at breaking the rules proves to be a bit of disaster. The constant wondering what might have happened if only she had chosen differently.
But then that disaster meant she met a boy, she learnt the truth, and she just might get to save a life – the life of a whale.
Family secrets once again come to the fore in this new novel from Adele Broadbent, launched in support of Project Jonah.
Themes of first love, pushing the boundaries of parental control, the consequences of small lies, and the mate-ships formed through Project Jonah.
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