Ali (named after his father’s hero, Muhammad Ali), is the teenage son of Alex Cross, an outstanding African American Detective in both his profession and community. However, due to an accident resulting in a man in a coma, Alex Cross is under investigation for police brutality and is soon to stand trial.
As if Ali hasn’t got enough to worry about with media heckling their family and a school nemesis driving his stress even deeper, his friend Gabe has gone missing. In his frustration at nothing seeming to be done about Gabe’s disappearance, Ali decides to investigate himself. After all, his deepest desire is to become a skilled detective just like his father.
Ali begins with advice given by police personnel – canvas the neighbourhood. Give out flyers. Ask questions. When his friends see his worry and begin to help, Ali is pleased at how far they spread the word. Vigils are held at church and Detectives are assigned to the case. But Ali still believes things aren’t happening fast enough. Where is Gabe?
He digs even deeper, going places he’s been told not to and asks too many questions. Finally he finds a clue, then another, not realising how deep he is digging himself into a life-threatening situation……
The first in this series, Ali is an authentic, spontaneous, impetuous young teen, with a loving supportive family, strong role models in both his father and stepmother, and wise Nana Momma. He mouths off when he shouldn’t often suffering the consequences, but is loyal, smart and determined.
Gaming is a key part of this mystery and was used well in the plot, both for recreation and part of the case. The story is told in two viewpoints – Ali in first person and Alex (Ali’s father) in third person. Easy but satisfying read for 10+
Author – James Patterson
Age 12+
(Mystery, Police, Crime, Theft, Burglary, Gaming, Avatar, Friends, Online, Determination, Investigation, Trial, Alleged Police Brutality, Racism, Action, Family, Secrets)