Five young children enjoy their room at their family batch. They lie on their bunks with crinkled sheets and blankets, climb the bunk ladder, or just gaze out at theAt The Bach Book Review Cover beach so close.

The bach is open doors and un-curtained windows far from the city and other people, and only a short walk from the rockpools on the shore.

Paddling in the water down on the dunes together is wonderful fun and a place to find treasures to later hide under pillows. The beach breeze is warm and soft down on the golden sand and the cousins/or siblings play together full of smiles.

A day in the sand, sun and soft breeze is just the thing for a good night’s sleep after dinner with everyone together.


A gorgeous hardback book from Gecko Press, At the Bach will be a certainty for shelves in Baches all around Aotearoa New Zealand.

Anyone who has spent time at a beachside bach will hear the cries of the seagulls, feel the warm summer breeze on cheeks and the soft sand between their toes as they read this book to littlies.

Joy Cowley’s gift of using so few words to invoke memories of all the senses is a true treasure for us all. Hilary Jean Tapper is a favourite illustrator of mine with her use of soft gentle tones and the pure delight on children’s faces always clear to see on the page.

Rereading this picture book again and again, I see more quintessential things between the pages. A hidden plate of biscuits, home knitted blankets, and mismatched kitchen chairs. Older ones looking out for little ones, and shared wonder at collected ‘treasures’. The jigsaw in progress and the oldest child on the top bunk both made me smile. This hierarchy is timeless.


Author – Joy Cowley

Illustrator – Jean Tapper

Picture Book


Look Inside Here




(2023, Gecko Press, NZ, New Zealand, Beach, Bach, Batch, Aotearoa, Holidays, Fun, Cousins, Family, Relaxing, Sand, Siblngs, Family, Breeze, Paddling, Ocean, Sea, Sharing, Summer)

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