Merida loves to practice her archery skills every chance she can get. These moments aren’t often, as she is the princess of her lands and the eldest of herBRAVE Book Review Cover siblings. While her young triplet brothers, Hamish, Hubert and Harris run riot through their castle, Merida must learn the history of her lands, and understand the expectations of a princess.

Learning her duties and responsibilities and listening to past stories and legends of their kingdom is tedious at best, but her mother Queen Elinor does her best to prepare her for her future. Little does Merida know that this includes being betrothed to the eldest son of one of visiting lords.

This is a completely different level of expectation and Merida baulks at the idea when told. Forced to meet the ever-boastful lords and their deplorable sons is something she must bear however, all the while looking for a way out. Her father King Fergus is keen for a match.

When she unexpectedly finds a possible solution, she grabs it, not realising the anguish it will soon pour upon their castle home and family. This solution involves witchcraft of terrible power, a mistaken identity and the life of one closest to her.

Merida has made a terrible mistake and must put everything back to rights before all is lost forever. Can the queen’s tedious teachings help?


A full colour graphic novel adaptation of the 2012 Disney-Pixar movie.

A full team of designers and editors have brought to life on the page, this action packed, humour filled but heartfelt medieval story. Pushing against parental expectations is a normal part of growing up, and although historical, this theme is universal to the present and any other era in our history.

Bright, emotive and including 4 extra stories at the conclusion of the main story, BRAVE is a treat indeed.


Creators – Disney-Pixar

Age – 7+

Graphic Novel




(2024, Papercutz, Action, Historical, Family, Humour, Secret, Fantasy, Animals, Castle, Medieval, King, Queen, Bear, Spell, Witch, Betrothed, Archery, Courage, Graphic Novel, Disney, Pixar, Growing Up)


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