Mira’s whole world is contained on her island of Rosevear, where the people live simply and her father protects her. But now a young woman, Mira’s curiosity aboutCompass and Blade Book Review Cover the world further than the shores of Rosevear and her dead mother’s locked chest, has become all consuming. She knows she is different from her friends and others they share the island with, and needs to know why.

She has always been drawn to the sea. When in the water, she feels at ease more than anywhere else and can stay underwater for longer than should be possible. She has few memories of her mother, but knew she too was drawn to the water. The chest her father promises to open every year, but never does, beckons to her as she knows it could hold the answers she seeks.

With her special skills, Mira is one of the Seven. These seven people swim out into the sea along a rope held by her father and others on the beach. But not before they have lit fires which lure unsuspecting ships onto the island’s rocks and hidden reefs. This is how the people of Rosevear live – plundering the sinking ships, but always vowing to save as many sailors as they can. One stormy night, Mira saves a man not much older than herself from the swirling waters around his sinking ship. She doesn’t give him much thought afterwards except that his survival helps tip the scales of their treachery in the right direction.

It is well known among the archipelago what Rosevear does, and there is a ruling force called The Watch who want to stop them. A new leader of The Watch is more determined than anyone ever before him, to stop this practice and anything else he deems against the law.

When he raids their island looking for evidence, he arrests two people close to Mira – one of them being her beloved father. Mira knows she must leave everything she knows behind and venture out into the world to save them – something she’s always wanted, but now is apprehensive to do. The young man she saved from the sinking ship offers to help her.

Mira discovers the world outside Rosevear is much more than she imagined. Full of noise and sights and people and even the magic she’d heard spoken of. It brings unexpected longings and romance, new friendships and rivals. There is also treachery, betrayals, battles and heartbreak, as she discovers her mother’s past, the secret of her underwater skills, and the trajectory of her future. Almost broken, she vows vengeance and now has the anger and help to wreak it.


From the very first page, in fact the very first sentence…

The thunder sends me running.

I was captured by main character Mira and the way of life on her island. Sure it was nefarious, but it was also the only way of survival for her people. Growing up sheltered from the world made Mira’s relationships with fellow islanders loyal and very close. Relationships with anyone new were fraught with danger, uncertainty, longing or mystery. This constantly had Mira and me on edge, wondering who to trust as she does everything she can to save her kin from the gallows.

Although this cover IS beautiful, I really don’t think it does this story, justice. Yes, there is the sea, a young woman searching for meaning and the truth about her life, and much maritime action, but Compass and Blade is so much more!

Deemed YA Romantasy, there is also heaps of action, hand to hand combat, courage and a quest for this character. There are two men who capture young Mira’s interest – one with a connection to her island, and one a shadowy but extremely handsome enigma.

The ending had me online checking if there was more – indeed, it is the 1st book of a trilogy, and I can’t wait to see Mira in full revenge mode with her new found courage, and skilled and powerful friends at her side.


Author – Rachel Greenlaw

Age – 14+


Read a review for the next exciting book in this trilogy Shadow & Tide



(2024, Harper Collins, Series, Trilogy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Revenge, Betrayal, Romance, Historical, Friendship, Courage, Magic, Islands, Power, Hand to hand combat, Fighting, Sea, Ocean, Sirens, Magical Creatures, Blood, Ships, Boats, Hanging, Retribution, Control, Fear)


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