Thomas is out on the beach with his dog Lucy when she begins to act strangely. She runs off and he finds her barking at the opening of a small cave. VenturingEye of the Dragon Book Review Cover inside, he discovers what looks like a real live dragon!

He can see it’s injured and isn’t sure what to do, but leaving it hurt isn’t an option. Telling someone he trusts about what he’s found is just as difficult, and with a few well placed questions to his vet stepdad, he knows what he must do.

With his secret safe and hopefully getting well with his help, he breathes a little easier. But that doesn’t solve the bigger problem in his life. Thomas is the target of a boy called Eddie. Ever since Thomas was in an accident, he has developed a stutter. This gives Eddie reason to tease him. Going to the same school and living in a small seaside town, it’s hard to avoid Eddie, but he does his best. But Eddie won’t leave him be. When Eddie blames Thomas for the loss of his cellphone, Eddie steps up his bullying campaign.

Keeping his new dragon friend a secret, avoiding Eddie and wondering when he’ll see his dad again, Thomas has a lot on his plate. But with friends, both human and magical, Thomas finds solutions to not only his problems, but his entire town’s safety too.


At only 120 pages and the striking cover of a taniwha on the cover, young readers will definitely snap this off the shelves. Susan Brocker has many fans, and this new book will capture animal lovers, dragon lovers and those who love an authentic kiwi read.

Bullying is the main theme within Eye of the Dragon, with both children and adults as perpetrators. Imaginations will fire as readers dream of finding their own dragon or taniwha in a hidden cave, then bonding with them to aid in every day problems.

Secrets, dragons, a cute wee dog and rising tension throughout will keep even reluctant readers reading Eye of the Dragon.


Author – Susan Brocker

Age – 10+

Publisher – Scholastic NZ





(2024, Scholastic NZ, Blended Family, Action, Animals, Fantasy, Friendship, Greed, Environment, Aotearoa, New Zealand, NZ, Bullies, Secret, Beach, Cave, Dog, Bully, Threats, Bullying, Taniwha, Dragon, Injury)


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