A little girl wakes her Mama for school. She has to coax Mama out of bed, into her clothes and down the stairs.Get Ready Mama Book Review Cover
Then there is breakfast to eat, and shoes to find.
Mama does everything she can to slow down the process. Pouting at breakfast, turning the TV on or wearing the wrong shoes.

Oh no, the dog is still inside. Chase him around the house and out the back door! Now off to school! Mama has still got ideas to delay the school day, but the little girl finally gets her there.


A funny picture book where a mum and daughter swap places one morning. This would be great to read to a child 4+ going off to kindy, or very young school children.

This is ingenious reverse psychology for young readers – pointing out some of their tricks to delay getting out the door in the morning.

Mum is supposed to be at school too though. Watch for the wink!

Author – Sharon Giltroe
Illustrator – Arielle Li
Picture Book




(2022, Exisle Publishing, Family, School, Role Reversal. Cute, Humour, Funny, Wise Mum, Clever Conclusion)


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