Trev is a mess. All was okay until his stepdad hit his mum. Trev can remember a time in their lives where everything was fine. He and his sister, mum, stepHands Book Review Cover sister and stepdad were all happy. But all that went out the window when his mum called the cops.

His stepdad was super angry, yelling and blaming Trev’s mum for everything. He tossed threats about what he was going to do, and now Trev can’t think about anything else.

Once, his stepdad told him to always protect his sisters. Being the youngest, Trev asked how, not expecting to be shown two fists.

Now he might have to step up, he is torn inside. Luckily now twelve, Trev is big for his age, and he is ready to keep his promise. Every moment he can, he is building up his body, his stamina and his confidence. But deep down, he’s jelly. Constant nightmares plague him, and he keeps falling asleep in class. It gets worse the closer it gets to his stepdad’s release date.

When his extended family draw out what is troubling him, they all want him to put his fists away. To use his hands for his talented drawing, studying and making something of himself. Trev can’t decide.


A perfectly sculptured book – short chapters, punchy plot line, and a boy caught between a promise made, and his own future. Trev believes the easy way to protect his family is with his fists, but it’s his family that has to convince him otherwise.

A powerful story boys will relate to, with strong friendships, things to prove and standing up to bullies. Slick with slang, the authenticity is brilliant, showing a boy who looks and acts tough on the outside, but is actually full of turmoil.

There are two taster chapters from this authors books Tight & What Lane in the rear of the book.


Author – Torrey Maldonado

Age – 12+




(2024, Blended Family, Conflict, Crime, Family, Friendship, Growing up, Penguin Kids Publishing, Boxing, Fists, Fight, Domestic Violence, Confusion, Protection, Extended family, Community, Guilt, Promise, Respect, Drawing, Illustration, Setting an example, Violence)


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