Henrie was supposed to be Henry. A Boy. Not a Girl. 200 years of Melchior family tradition demanded it. So when she was born, there was surprise and shock, and an escape. Her Aunt Ellie snatched her and ran. Now, 11 years later, Henrie knows the story and loves her Aunt, but has still missed her parents terribly. Why had they not tried to find her?

When a strange postcard arrives inviting her to learn more about her parents, Henrie seizes her chance. She asks a neighbour to help her, not realising the danger she is leaping into.

She finds herself far away in the House of Melchior – her grandfather’s home and the headquarters of HoMe – the family Hero Training Centre. Henrie meets family members and learns the truth why her parents never came for her.

Her new (boy) cousins refuse to accept her into the family. After all, she’s just a girl, but Henrie quickly proves herself in a hero challenge they are given. Girls can be heroes too!

Not only does she have to work out the codes and clues she needs to succeed, there is a secret control centre to find, her grandfather’s will to uncover and family and friend’s lives to save. She’s a true Melchior hero after all.


Talking directly to the reader, we quickly get to know Henrie’s down-to-earth, fun, friendly personality. Underneath she is missing the parents she never knew, so her curiosity gives her the courage to search for answers when the chance arises. Telling her she can’t do something makes her determined to prove otherwise.

Black and white doodles, lists, code crackers and personal notes (to you the reader), draw you into the mystery even further. The 1st in a series, there are hero missions that need to be completed by the newest member of HoMe – Henrie Melchior.

Author – Petra James

Illustrator – A Yi

Age – 8+




(Mystery, Family, Secret, Jealousy, Greed, Courage)

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