Ross Quest may have lost The Thieves’ Gambit but she did experience life as never before, made new friends and met a guy who equallyHeist Royale Book Review Cover intrigues and infuriates her. She is also left reeling by lies and misdeeds by those close to her, which closes up her heart again.

Now an established part of The Organisation, Ross is suddenly part of a new type of Gambit. The leader of The Organisation has a threat against her leadership and members must choose a side. Ross and her respected but ruthless mother are on one, and her past crush Devroe and his bitter and angry mother are on the other.

The rivalry between the two mums goes as far as life or death, and once again this is on the line. Ross can’t understand why her mother is so heartless when it comes to her old friend, and she refuses to reveal why.

Once again, Ross is on a quest, a gambit, a to-the-death competition, to keep the status quo leadership in The Count, or make way for The Baron – an ambitious and ruthless threat for the top job..

Plans are lined up, including Antarctica, New Orleans and Monte Carlo – where The Organisation has secrets to win back and evidence to steal. Although Ross’ friends are on opposite sides, and risk lives to win this time, their past relationships cannot be forgotten.

Ross must wrangle her feelings about leadership, her friendships and her mother’s control and presence. Not to mention Devroe who seems to be everywhere, no matter where she goes around the world. Does he mean what he says, or is still just part of the game?


Heist Royale is a riveting and awe inspiring sequel to Thieves’ Gambit! Now that we know the characters from TG, there is so much more investment in this story. Just as in TG, the gasp-wrenching twist and turns left me awe struck. When a plan seems to be going one way, in a blink it is spinning in another. Ross’ team is the one you follow in the book as they try to keep The Count in her job, and Ross tries to keep her family safe.

But the stakes are high on the other side too, and loyalties are stretched again and again. The love story between Ross and Devroe is explored and Devroe does his best to impress on Ross that he really does like her. Ross is wary throughout however, and refuses to let her guard down – at least on the outside. The more time she spends with him, and he seems to be everywhere she is, the more she begins to thaw on the inside.

Still she cannot trust anyone – this is still part of her mother’s training. But with so much more experience under her belt, and her mother’s past betrayals, Ross begins to wonder if her mother is good for her future. Her plan to solve more than one problem is a surprising twist and finale.

Loved it.


Author – Kayvion Lewis

Age – 13+





(2024, Simon & Schuster, Series, Sequel, Family, Theft, Thieves, Thief, Master Plans, Schemes, Plots, Competition, Consequences, Love, Trust, Friendships, Antarctica, Monte Carlo, Gambling, High Stakes, Cheating, New Orleans, Jewels, Parties, Disguises, Family, Mothers, Revenge, Action, Crime)


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