Frank loves living in Hawaii where his dad is stationed at the Pearl Harbour naval base. He has made a fantastic friend in Stanley who notHeroes Book Review Cover only lives close by, but shares his love in comics. Frank can’t believe his luck when he discovers that Frank loves to draw, and soon they team up with Frank writing and Stanley bringing their super hero action figures to life on the page.

Having a friend in Stanley is extra good as Frank was bullied and shamed in his school where they lived before. He has a secret that he was pleased to leave behind. When something happens that rocks his new friendship with Stanley, Frank knows he must tell the truth which will explain his actions. But before he gets his chance, Japanese fighter planes descend from the skies around them and attack Pearl Harbour.

Terrified at the noise, flying water, shrapnel and people, Frank and Stanley can’t believe their eyes. It is a sleepy Sunday morning and no-one is prepared or even imagined such an attack. Soon the huge battleships that seemed invincible only minutes before are rolling, sinking and ablaze with fire.

Frank and Stanley are aided for a short while to stay out of the endless gunfire strafing everywhere around them, but then are on their own, keen to get home to check on their family. But there are wounded everywhere, crying out for help. Can Frank overcome his secret and finally tell his best friend too?

Suddenly Stanley is looked upon as the enemy by both army personell and civilians alike as his mother is American Japanese. It doesn’t matter that Stanley’s family were born in the US – tension, horror and anger is high as the Japanese come in with yet more torpedoes, bombs and bullets. Will they survive the attack on Pearl Harbour?


I gobbled up this riveting read, all the while learning so much about the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese on December 6 1941.

Alan Gratz is a master storyteller, drawing me in to the action, atmosphere and the character’s world as their perfect paradise is eviscerated. A character’s secret ups the intrigue even before the attack that forced the US to enter WWII with troops. Throughout this exciting story, I was fascinated in all that I discovered about this event. Did you know there were two attacks, one shortly after the other from over 350 Japanese fighter pilots, launching from aircraft carriers nearby? It only lasted 2 hours, but the devastation of Pearl Harbour, the US fleet and surrounding naval base was vast.

Split into three parts, Before, During and After, Heroes gives readers a gripping read. Quotes from influential people of the time portray the feelings of the US people, and there is a section of comic at the end of the story bringing two friends back together.

An Author’s Note in the rear of the book shares the facts of the attack and the resulting affect – plunging a previous reluctant US into the second world war. Their economic might helped bring WWII to an end.


Author – Alan Gratz

Age – 10+






(2024, Scholastic, War, WWII, Second World War, Pearl Harbour, USA, American, Japanese, Prejudice, Battle, Fight, Bullets, Bombs, Torpedos, Battleships, Surprise Attack, Courage, Bravery, Secret, Fears, Navy, Fighter Planes, Fighter Pilots, Friendship, Comics, Graphic novel author, Illustrator, Drawing, Saving Lives, Action, Bullies, Family)


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