It’s 1938. Joseph St George is half kiwi, half English and living in Germany. Life has been good with his diplomat parents, his new Alsatian puppy, friends and his fascination in spy magazines. But things are changing. Watching Hitler in a parade one day, Joe is surprised by the frenzied support from the crowd, and awed by the endless weaponry, marching soldiers and Hitler Youth. Joe has wanted to join the Hitler Youth like his best friend Klaus, but his father won’t allow it.
Joe has seen Jewish people yelled at in the streets, even participated himself, caught up in other boys behavior, but it’s not until he sees Jews being beaten that he realises anger and hatred is escalating. Never did he believe the violence would come to him. Kristallnacht is a night that changes thousands of lives. The Gestapo raid houses, dragging Jews into the street and away. Joe’s father is taken too. Joe is soon to learn that his parent’s diplomat status is a front. They are spies!
Like something out of one of his spy novels, he and his mother flee. She’s suddenly another person. Professional, cold, calculating and deadly. Joe is sent to New Zealand to live with relatives.
Three years pass, and Joe arrives in London, cold, hungry and looking for his mum. To his shock the address at the top of his mother’s letters doesn’t exist, and his resulting search for her reveals more spy activity. The only problem is he’s not sure who she’s spying for. Is she the enemy?
He watches her movements, not knowing someone is watching him at the same time. The few things his mother taught him as they fled Germany years before, have been useful. So useful, he is soon recruited by MI5. His training is ruthless and with one goal in mind. They have a mission with his name on it.
This first book in a new series, (Katipo Joe) is bursting with action, tension, and the historical detail is brilliant throughout (without being too much). There are battles in the streets, on the ocean, from moving vehicles and hand to hand combat.
The threads of family and friendship weave through the story, grounding Joe as a young man wanting to do the right thing, whilst training to become an assassin.
Fantastic writing, riveting spy action and based on fact, right down to a zebra in the middle of London’s Blitz. Can’t wait for the next in the series – Katipo Joe (2) Spycraft.
Author – Brian Falkner
Age – 13+
Interview with Brian Falkner about Katipo Joe here
Read a review of the the next book in the series (Click on the cover)
(War, World War II, WWII, Action, Thriller, Spy, Spies, French Resistance, Commando training, Hitler Youth, Series, NZ, New Zealand, London, Blitz, Bombing, Stowaway, Gunfire, Bombs, Attack, Stealth, Violence, Growing up, Historical)
I would read this book and the other two in this series again and again. So well written and always bringing good feedback from bookshop customers I show it to.
this book seems interesting I think I might buy it