Lucy wouldn’t normally trust what her sarcastic, cranky, skull in a jar says – but the information he’s given her has spurred her and the other agents of Lockwood &Lockwood & Co The Empty Grave Book Review Cover Co into a new mission.

With George Cubbins’ meticulous research, and Lucy, Lockwood, Holly and Kipps ready to fight anything spooky in their way, they break into Marissa Fittes’ grave. They need to find out whether the skull was telling the truth. What they find not only shocks them to their core but challenges their skills to the max too.

Shaken but safe back at 35 Portland Row, they discuss what they found and what it could mean for The Problem. But it’s not long before they are busy in the thick of ghost hunting again, tackling a spirit that sucks the life out of men and boys. Not only is this also a super close call for Lockwood’s life, news of their worst enemy has reached them. Julius Winkman is out of prison early.

Even with this news, and news of even more small agencies closing under the power of the powerful Fittes Agency, Lockwood is still positive and nonchalant about the future of Lockwood & Co.

George is still researching the background of the problem, now they know the truth about Penelope Fittes. But it’s dangerous and threats begin to stack up against them. The Fittes Agency don’t like Lockwood & Co’s independence and warnings are issued. But no-one can stop George Cubbins once he’s got an idea brewing. Lucy is still worried about the supernatural warnings she has received about Lockwood losing her life for her, but has no idea where and when this might happen.

When George’s life is suddenly on the line, they all take things more seriously – especially a tip that Winkman is coming for revenge. This time, they are determined to be prepared for any attack. And attacked they are – with ghosts, axes, thugs, swords, rapiers and an order to kill.

Lockwood and his agents are soon on the Other Side, fleeing from alive and dead pursuers. They have a destination in mind but don’t know that the battle of their lives is waiting for them – Lockwood and Lucy in particular. Can she keep him alive? Is Penelope Fittes really who the skull says she is, and will Lucy finally give in to it?


Wow! What a finale! This last episode of this brilliantly written spooky series is full of reveals, rich with world building reminders and revenge plots, and concludes with a satisfying ending. And yep – Lockwood & Lucy finally realise what they feel for each other…. sort of. No mushy stuff I promise you.

There are secrets shared about Flo Bones, Penelope Fittes and even the skull. All the big players in the series feature – The Fittes Agency, DEPRAC and Barnes, The Orpheous Society and Julius Winkman.

There are more ghosts than you can shake a sword at and new weapons to wrangle too. The trademark sass of the skull features throughout, along with George’s quips involving cake and any other sort of tucker.

I came to love all the characters in this series, as Jonathan Stroud is a master of making them come alive, and stay true to their selves from the first book to the last. Personal growth of characters happened organically as they faced one terror after another, grew to trust in each other and built their skills against their foes.

I think I’ll go back to the 1st book and begin reading it all over again….


Author – Jonathan Stroud

Age – 11+


See the entire series here




(2017, Ghost, Friendship, Series, Betrayal, Bullies, Conflict, Courage, Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Humour, Love, Magic, Murder, Mystery, Revenge, Secret, Control, Funny, Thuggery, Mugging, Sword Play, Tension, Answers, Reveals, Honour, Finale, Conclusion, Ghost Hunters)


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