Step back in time to when … “New Zealand was a land of lush forest, with only the mountain tops bare of trees. The idea of extinction was unheard of, and the forests were plundered, burnt down and cleared by the many peoples that lived here.”

Each chapter of this impeccably researched book for Advanced 8 year old readers and up, begins with a story snippet, placing the reader in the time and place of the creature they are about to read about. These are are a mix of creatures from whales down to tiny frogs. There are chapters on birds, plants, bats, fish, lizards, insects and even trees now gone from Aotearoa or extremely endangered.

Spoken Maori myth and legend, and excerpts of NZ historians, naturalists and scientists’ writings from over a century ago are included – giving a deeper insight into how these lost wonders lived and then were lost forever.

“Aotearoa’s treasure box of native species was under attack on all fronts – habitat destruction, human hunting and introduced predators.”

It is not all about loss though. There have many champions of our wildlife, flora and fauna. People who stood up for our vanishing creatures, demanding their protection. Determined and devoted, these champions brought back creatures on the edge of extinction.

Did you know:

There were 9 species of Moa. Some only knee high, and some double the height of a man!

The now extinct “…Huia was quite tame, landing on outstretched hands, or allowing people to pick them up.”

“NZ once had an owl standing about 45cm high with the same colouring as our Ruru (Morepork). Called Whekau, hakoke or kakaha.” It ate the introduced rats but couldn’t combat the cats, stoats and weasels which pushed it to extinction.

A brilliant mix of fiction, non-fiction, Maori myth and legend, and diary entries from over a century ago, Lost Wonders is perfect for budding Naturalists, a treasure box in itself. Presented in three parts, The Lost / Lost and Found / Almost Lost?/ you will discover not only the well known extinct creatures such as the Huia, Moa and giant ‘monster’ that was the Haast Eagle, but also about the Aotearoa of millions of years ago, which grew into a land filled with fascinating creatures unique to our shores.

There were fish, frogs, bats and birds – once living in harmony and in their many thousands – now gone forever. A clear map of Aotearoa and its islands, a glossary of terms, extensive research bibliography and a positive How you can help section is included in the back of the book.

In our world now faced with Climate Change, and a plethora of information about the loss of species all around the world, this book is packed full of information, insights, and facts about our own lost wonders.

Author – Sarah Ell

Illustrator – Phoebe Morris

Age – 8+ (Advanced reader)

Teachers Notes & Activities here

(NZ, New Zealand, Aotearoa, Extinction, Predators, Historical, Non-Fiction, Past, Colonialists, Kiwi, Naturalist, Scientist, Collectors, Birds, Kauri, Environment)



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