Max loves anything and everything to do with Albert Einstein. She even has his surname. but she’s not really sure it’s really hers. Max doesn’t remember her parents or anything about her past, but talking to Mr Einstein when she’s alone and lonely helps her not only think through a new idea she has, but chase away the loneliness.

Max also doesn’t know that two wealthy organisations have been watching her – one keen to do good in the world, and one keen to make the most of Max’s brilliant mind for nothing but greed.

She soon meets other kids with super high IQ’s and scientific interests and for the first time in her life, she has true friends. But together they have to deal with world-wide problems. The first is helping save children from Cobalt mines in the Congo. Not only do they have to sort mathematical, scientific and mechanical problems, they have to deal with a terrifying warlord.


The first in a new series, particularly empowering girls within the sciences, Max Einstein will go on to tackle other world issues. Fun, interesting and timely in our swiftly changing world.

Author – James Patterson & Grabenstein
Age – 10+

See an Extract here




(Action, Adventure, Courage, Friendship, World Problems, Climate Change, Environment, Child Labour, Science, S.T.E.A.M)

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