Mitchell’s mum says he was itching the moment he was born.Mitchell Itches Book Review Cover

Covered in eczema, tiny Mitchell scratched and scratched, even with covers on his hands and feet. But he never stopped smiling.

As he grew, Mitchell and his parents discovered ways to soothe Mitchell’s red, itchy skin. Special creams, lukewarm baths and cotton clothes helped a lot. His cat falling in the bath – didn’t!

Sometimes Mitchell’s skin became fire-engine red and sore at the same time. His doctor was always on hand to help too. Certain things made Mitchell itch even more, like milk, eggs, washing powders and dust. But Mitchell kept smiling anyway.

The worst things for Mitchell was teasing at school, and adults saying… “Don’t scratch!” But Mitchell couldn’t help it.

The best times for Mitchell were school holidays at the beach and when he was learning and playing his guitar with his uncle. In fact, playing his guitar becomes like a super power among his peers. When he plays, he’s still smiling, and so are others around him.


Mitchell Itches – An Eczema Story follows a boy called Mitchell from birth to school days. He and his family become experts on how to calm Mitchell’s eczema and with it, his scratching.

This story not only shows all these tricks and tips they learn to help Mitchell, but how Mitchell feels when others comment or call him names. Both children and adults can harm eczema sufferers with their words. Normal things around the home or at school trigger Mitchell’s eczema and this story also allows young readers to understand it, and in turn take away the fear and misconceptions of seeing itchy, flaky skin.

Mitchell is a normal boy who loves soccer, his family, and playing the guitar, and with his persistence, finally shows those around him that he is more than just his eczema.


Author – Kristin Kelly

Illustrator – Amelia Jones

Picture Book


Find Teacher’s Notes here




(2024, Exisle Publishing, Skin Condition, Eczema, Misunderstandings, Misconceptions, Bullying, Name Calling, Guitar, Confidence, Distraction, Courage, Triggers, Stresses, Resilience, Self-Care, Symptoms)


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