Moose lives high in a tree house and is about to share a tale of exciting destinations, adventures and a rescue too!
His job is to fly his plane into remote places with important deliveries. But as soon as he’s completed a delivery from his clipboard, another is radioed in! Straw bales, a new engine, florist’s ribbon and more are flown in by Moose to his customer’s relief.
After each delivery Moose is sent on his way with a gift, and he is happy in his day’s work. But wait… the latest radio message is different. With his Pilot’s Mission Log full from the day, he has the most important flight of all to make.
Three little faces huddle together by a lake as Moose swoops in to rescue them. His busy day has given them all they need for a night out away from home.
Another Kimberly Andrews Picture Book to pore over! Every page is lush in illustration, telling the story of this aviator’s busy day. I loved the way the story is a circle, beginning and ending with three little faces.
Check out Moose’s planes too. They are not all the same, the clues at the top of his clipboard. There is a Search & Find for 17 butterflies, adding another layer to this tale.
Author / Illustrator – Kimberly Andrews
Picture Book
If you liked Moose the Pilot, you’ll like another great story by this Author – Hound the Detective
Click on the Cover for a Review
(Penguin, 2021, Animals, Planes, Flight, Rescue, Camping, Deliveries, Delivery, Hero, Adventures, Kiwi Author Illustrator, NZ, Award winning Author Illustrator)