Tim Tipene shares tales of his childhood in this new collection of short stories. Although neglected, abused and always on alert in case of violence, Timothy tries to do his best in school and at home.

The highlights in his troubled early school years are wonderful teachers who, when they learn of his home-life and understand his struggles in the classroom; try to provide what they can to help, even if it is just a twice-daily hug. These teachers gave him windows into another life of creativity and empathy for others, so he could grow and fulfill his wish not to be like his parents.


Tim is an inspiration after breaking the cycle of abuse that his own parents told him he would undoubtedly continue. He has created a program designed to teach children self-control and getting on with others – Warrior Kids was started in 1994.

Tim is the author of 10 books, 5 of which have won awards, and he is an inspirational speaker in schools around New Zealand.

It seems wrong to say I enjoyed this window into a small boy’s life – where humanity was shocking, and saddening, but was also hopeful and loving. It is easily digestible for young readers to help them understand to not to immediately judge others by their actions. After all, you can’t judge others until you’ve walked in their shoes. 

Author – Tim Tipene

Age – 11+


Read a snippet here

Teacher’s Notes here



(Abuse, New Zealand, NZ, School, Behavior, Empathy, Understanding, Short Stories, Family, Abusive, Inspirational, Inspiring, Kindness)

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