This is a sad but wonderful story about a family dealing with the loss of a sister/daughter to a terrorist bomb in London. It is told by Jamie who can’t remember her, but is always reminded by the urn containing her ashes on their mantelpiece. He wishes his dad would scatter her ashes so they can move on, but feels guilty about wanting to do so.

But Dad just drinks even more and hates anything to do with muslims. Jamie can’t tell him the only person who talks to him at his new school is a muslim girl called Sunya.

There is so much to this story. It is a believable, heartfelt view of a ten year old, lonely, lost, confused little boy. Sunya was a wonderful, strong character and her portrayal was fantastic, also giving the reader a little insight into the custom of head scarves and how important they are to the muslim faith.

Simply Wonderful!

Author – Annabel Pitcher

Age – 10+

(Racism, Prejudice, Grief, Loss, Friendship, Family)


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