There once were three friends who were also all Nanas. They hung out together all the time and didn’t follow normal etiquette for elderly ladies.Nanas with no manners Book Review Cover

One loves her pink bikini and even wears it to restaurants. One eats with her mouth open – all the time. One lets out very smelly farts without any embarrassment at all.

Their favourite food is Chocolate Nachos with cheese. Enjoying this meal together, not only is the bikini, the open mouth and the farts all present, so are terrible table manners. When they decide to go on holiday, all their atrocious habits go with them. Will these rude Nana’s ever use their manners?

It’s only when they are in terrible tummy trouble that they must say Please!


Children love farts, rudeness, and manners being ignored in stories, but mixing all three with three Nanas and you have pure gold. The rhyming text takes the reader through a tale of terrible manners to culinary consequences.

Minky Stapleton’s lively illustrations bring tons of laughs as these elderly friends wreak havoc on holiday. But there is a cost to ignoring the rules and this is played out brilliantly on the page.

Fun read.


Author – Justin Christopher

Illustrator – Minky Stapleton

Picture Book



(2023, Scholastic NZ, Nanas, Grandmas, Rude, Manners, Fun, Humour, Funny, Rhyme, Fart, Justin Brown, NZ, Aotearoa New Zealand, Holidays, Nachos, Chocolate, Cheese)


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