In 2020, when the world was swept by the deadly Covid 19 virus, hospital staff were suddenly working One Hundred Steps Book Review Coveron the front lines of a war zone. The virus was strong, making people sick, and soon many were dying. But the Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, Orderlies and all manner of health professionals kept fighting.

Captain Tom Moore watched on from his home in Yorkshire (UK), and knew personally what fighting a war is like after being an officer in WWII. He’d travelled the world and had many adventures. Now at 99 years old he wanted to do something to help the hospital staff.

Tom decided to raise money for the National Health Service by walking around his garden 100 times before his 100th birthday. With one step at a time behind his walker, he was determined to reach his goal.

Soon his story was reported around the world, and he was cheered on by millions. Not only did he reach his goal, he raised people’s spirits in a terrible time of the virus and raised 40 Million Pounds.

One Hundred Steps follows Captain Tom Moore’s life from a boy with a love for his dog, motorbikes and adventure, through his time in WWII, marriage and children. His adventurous spirit has stayed with him his entire life and he never forgot the lesson from his mum…

“No matter who you are, you can do and be anything you want.”

Many other simple gems of wisdom are shared throughout the book, bringing even more positivity. Captain Tom’s goal of 100 laps of his garden at the age of 99 inspired many across the world, and highlighted the work of frontline workers with the war against Covid 19.

He has since been awarded a honorary promotion to Colonel and been given a knighthood.

Author – Captain Sir Tom Moore

Illustrator – Adam Larkum

Sophisticated Picture Book

Age – 6+



(Biography, Covid 19, NHS, National Health Service, Raise Money, 99 years old, 100th Birthday, Garden, WWII, Adventure, Historical, Family, Fun)


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