Sir Ernest Shackleton had made his name as an adventurer and an explorer years before he sought funding for a return to Antarctica. War was approaching, and support for his next expedition was harder to find. But find it he did, telling his financiers that the trip across the ice would take 120 days.

Little did anyone know that his ship The Endurance would be stopped by ice, then slowly crushed by it, leaving him and his men trapped miles from the sea. Despite plans to escape their predicament, they were trapped on the ice. No one knew where they were, and the world was now gripped in the First World War. They would have to save themselves.

Shackleton was determined to save every single man he was responsible for. With the help of outstanding men at his side, including Kiwi Frank Worsley, he set out on his biggest adventure yet.


This creative non-fiction novel of The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition reads like a gripping, eye-opening and jaw dropping adventure. What was planned to be a 120 day journey across Antarctica, became a nightmare of over 600 days.

The courage, loyalty, fortitude and leadership of Shackleton and his men was astounding, and the third person writing style allowed the reader into the minds of not only Shackleton, but other key members of the expedition.

How they survived is positively astonishing considering the bitter elements, the lack of supplies, minimal shelter and sometimes, mind-shrinking boredom.

Other chapters showing Shackleton as a child, teen, sailor then explorer were scattered through the book allowing the reader to see his back story and how he made his name.

Fascinating read! The cover does not do it justice.

Author –  Joanna Grochowicz

Age – 10+


(Animal lovers beware)


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(2021, Allen & Unwin, Explorer, Adventurer, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Frank Worsley, Antarctica, Expedition, South Georgia, Whaling Station, 1914, 1915, 1916, Rescue, Survival, Trek, Ice, Icebergs, The Endurance, Ship, Sailors, Photography, Science, Scientists, Non-Fiction, Action, Historical)

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