As soon as you open the cover of Stranded, you are part of this story. It shows a map of Golden Bay New Zealand where whales often swim, sometimes too close to the shore.
Beginning with a pilot whale’s point of view and eye level as they frolic happily through the ocean, the illustrations move out allowing the reader to see what is really happening. The water level has drastically dropped in a sandy bay and an outgoing tide. The illustrator’s ‘lens’ widens further to see more of the pod becoming stranded and then help in the way of people on their way.
Each page has a text box containing an interesting fact about pilot whales, adding to the story of the pilot whales plight and giving the reader important information that will be useful if they ever come across a stranded marine mammal on a beach.
Reading Stranded from the point of view of a young pilot whale pulls the reader into their confusing and frightening experience of being away from the water where they belong. The story also gently deals with the loss of some of the whales on the sand.
Dedicated to the driving force of Project Jonah NZ, Daren Grover and Louisa Hawkes, Stranded is not only beautifully illustrated by talented illustrator Isobel Te Aho-White, it is an important picture book for all young New Zealanders.
Based around an event author Linda Jane Keegan personally experienced as a Project Jonah Marine Mammal Medic Volunteer, her depiction of a young pilot whale’s stranding and then reintroduction to the ocean by determined people is emotional and beautiful.
Perfect timing for New Zealand’s approaching Summer and more possible strandings.
For more information on becoming a Volunteer Marine Mammal Medic or what to do if you discover a stranded whale or dolphin, visit Project Jonah online here.
Author – Linda Jane Keegan
Illustrator – Isobel Joy Te Aho-White
Picture Book
(2023, Bateman Books, Whales, Dolphins, Pilot Whales, Strandings, NZ, New Zealand, Aotearoa, Animals, Ocean, Sea, beach, Golden Bay, Based on real events, Project Jonah, Department of Conservation, Whale pod, Long-finned Pilot Whales, Karakia, Local iwi)