Book 1 – Derry doesn’t remember anything before he was found alone and frightened on a boat by a murderous crew. .....
Now that Oliver Wormwood is 13, he must choose a calling. All of his sisters have left home and become .....
Femi isn’t that keen on travelling with his older brother and father to an island resort named Darlenia. Things have .....
Spencer at age 11, is used to the terrible treatment from his classmates. He feels for his little sister though .....
Dilly can’t believe it! She is going to be sailing across the ocean from New York back home to England .....
Kim is used to it by now, but it still annoys him and those around him. His little sister is .....
Being sent away from her home and brother in England is the last thing Lizzie wants. Sure, she’s going to .....
Sarah Matahari Lorelai Piggins is one of 15. Her mother is a great mum, but her siblings not so much. .....
Blue and Herschell are great mates, even if they are very different. Herschell is confident and crazy for a console .....
Callie is still angry at her dad for moving them both to Northern Ireland from London. She feels she has .....
Silver is just as surprised as her mother to learn that her dad has accepted a three month artist position .....
Friends Kai, Harry and Charley are on their way to a martial arts contest at Folksville County Fair. They’ve only .....
Emerson Bell – Dropped out of school and spends all her time holed up in her room, gaming. She no .....
James Bond has just arrived at his new school. Eton doesn’t seem very friendly and the uniform is far too .....
Barnaby likes his new home, and he can already see that the tree near his bedroom window has potential for .....
April is excited to be going on an adventure with her Dad to the Arctic Circle. Well, he’s actually going .....
Jason Mason is on a new top secret mission. This time it’s in the City of Love – Paris, France. .....
Awa is back staying with his grandparents on the East Coast of New Zealand. After spending time with them before, .....
Matthew might only be 11 but he’s been a fan of journalism since very young. When the sirens sound in .....
If only Amorangi had done his homework. On the way to school he remembers the classroom treat for doing this .....
Zee (Zeba) begins her story at a funeral. With instructions for no tears or black clothing, Zee is doing her .....
Juniper has survived the tower challenge the vengeful Arcanists threw at her. People of the Dregs are cheering her name, .....
Two friends are chatting about all the amazing adventures they’d been on. “And how about the time we got lost .....
Tilly is getting used to her new life as a book wanderer. Her mum, now home after being missing Tilly’s .....
Getwin is sick of working so much. As her mother’s assistant in their bookbinding business, Getwin is a skilled binder .....
Lucas is looking forward to a movie marathon with fellow movie buffs Ash and Finn. Armed with hours worth of .....
Shackleton is excited about his best friend Amelia coming to stay the night. It’s their first sleepover and with their .....