It was the stranger that started everything. Pearl didn’t like the look of him, or the fact that he wanted .....
At only four years old Peter Lantos could feel something changing in his life in Hungary. It’s 1944, and most .....
Mandy Malham wants to win. Ever since she and her family moved to New Zealand from the UK, Mandy has .....
Anahera is about to go on a very special journey. It begins with a song of farewell from her mokopuna, .....
Imagine a world made up of four separate realms. A Coastal Realm where art, singing, writing and imagination are celebrated .....
Twins Alex and Emily are facing their worst nightmare. Their father has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. His best .....
It’s finally over. Zofia Lederman has survived the soldiers, the ghetto, the trains and the concentration camps. She has survived .....
Claire is looking forward to the weekend. She and her boyfriend are going to join her best friends Kat and .....
Meixing (Mayzing) Lim and her parents have moved to a new home in Australia. They were invited by Ma Ma’s .....
Zofia used to love playing a funny game with her Mama, Tata and Aunt Barbara. It was called Make a .....
Valentino can’t believe he’s finally made it. The Big Apple. His dream city. New York! The only thing that would .....
Atarangi‘s 12th birthday was only two weeks ago, and also her first day in Gabriel’s Gully. She’s come with her .....
Beginning with a powerful foreword by the master of middle-grade novels about war – Michael Morpurgo, we are soon with .....
Bug loves her big drafty house in Vermont where the doors creak shut on their own, a window might close .....
Damsa looks around a strange gated compound, not sure what to think. She has been on the streets for the .....
Hex (Hector), doesn’t know why he does the stupid things he does. They just happen – without thought or planning. .....
Lily has a super power – invisibility. At least that’s how she’s always felt. Her big sister Sam teases her .....
Maybelline Chen loves her big brother Danny. He’s always been at her side, from when she was just a bump .....
Kellen and Nettle are only fifteen years old – practically only children, living in a country called Raddith. It is .....
Henry needs a gun. After all, he’s fifteen now and the man of the house now his father’s gone. Besides, .....
Finn is used to being alone. A virus has swept through humanity taking first his father, then his mother leaving .....
Indigo is the daughter of two enhanced humans who were virally optimised in experiments over 30 years before. She is .....
Natalia has never been hiking before, and when her co worker Wyatt finds out he vows to remedy that. What .....
Indigo is in deep trouble – with her mother and the Black Spiral Intelligence Organisation that looks after people like .....
Life has been tough for Ally and her best friend Bon. They have been homeless, living in abandoned city tunnels .....