Joff is relieved school is over and weeks of summer holidays stretch before him. He can stroll around his small .....
Aniyah is a Star Hunter. She knows the other name and that adult Star Hunters prefer the term Astronomer, but .....
Matilda Pages loves living with her grandparents next to their popular bookshop Pages & Co. She also loves curling up .....
Aisha and her mother have carried on living after Aisha’s 19 year old sister June, left. It’s been hard for .....
Juno is angry at her mum. She has gone away and left Juno with her grandfather for the summer. There .....
Tru lives to dive. Living in Mount Orange with its crystal clear mineral springs, Tru has learnt to free dive .....
Hettie didn’t mean to. She’s really glad it worked, but she didn’t mean for her storm wish to be quite .....
Wren and her brother Finch are the same age without being twins. Born so close together they have been close .....
Emma loves her big brother Carlo fiercely, spending much of her time with him. Born deaf and blind in one .....
Max looks up to his big brother Christopher, so when he tells him of a pirate captain from a magical .....
Pinch has been busy lately, interviewing her neighbours on Tricky Dragon Lane. She is desperate to learn why her mum .....
Eve loves her mother, Queen Regina, intensely. Especially since she lost her other mother to a sorcerer’s spell. This cursed .....
It’s been six years since Coyote Sunrise and her dad Rodeo lost their mum and wife. Coyote is finally in .....
A new tree is planted every time someone is born on Ayla’s street. There are trees, tall and strong, planted .....
Haeta te Kapua is watching her Nanny Rina make a net. She has a special room where she likes to .....
Nesbit is pleased to be accepted by a group of kids at his new high school. They are different from .....
Grace is shocked by the prank pulled on her in a Wellington railway station. Asked to look after a suitcase .....
Max and his family are off to the snow for a skiing holiday. He has brought his friend Hugo along .....
Hannah and Sophie are close after growing up together. They are not only best friends, they are cousins. But they .....
Jude is the only guy among his siblings, but he’s okay with that. He is close to all his sisters .....
Poto is worried. She and her younger sister have been out flying and after returning to their whānau nest, discover .....
Basti is happy in her life as the Apprentice Witnesser in her small town. Her guardian and main miracle witnesser .....
It began with a bear trap. In terrible pain, teenager Andrew can hardly take another step when he discovers a .....
Jean McLain learnt how to interpret and use morse code from her two older brothers as they messaged each other .....
Bly blames herself. If it wasn’t for her plans to get a guy to finally notice her, she and her .....
Life for sisters Louisa & Margaret has drastically changed since they had to move. Now with their parents gone, they .....