Lucas knows he’s got to do something, and fast. His small rural school is going to close, and he and all his friends and classmates will have to catch a bus to largerTake Me to Your Leader Book Review schools further away. Some might even move away from their town of Ashton Hill, which he also knows will be disastrous. Less people means less money for businesses in town which could mean closure for them too – putting Ashton Hill’s whole future in jeopardy.

After discussing it in class, Lucas’ mind is filled with worry. He loves his school and town, but has other reasons to stay.

  1. Just thinking of catching a bus to school makes him feel carsick
  2. His Dad is buried in his backyard

Ever since Dad was in the car accident, Lucas has been paranoid about safety. ALL kinds of safety. Germs, clean water, sharp objects, tripping hazards, and anything remotely dangerous. He always wears a hi-vis vest (often to bed) to ensure he is seen by any moving vehicles at all times and every night before bed, he reads his favourite website

But when he’s particularly worried about something, he sits under the tree where his Dad’s ashes are buried, and talks through his problems. His big sister Ellie will too sometimes, not that she’ll admit it.

One night, after ‘talking’ to Dad, Lucas decides to fly the kite he used to take out with his father. Lucas has lined it with glow in the dark stickers and is keen to see how it looks in the star dotted sky.

The only problem is, how it looks brings a media storm, UFO hunters, and tons of tourists to Ashton Hill, spurring Lucas and his friends to feed the frenzy of possible alien craft sightings in their town.

In the meantime, the local Constable is trying to debunk it all, a little old lady cashes in on a pop-up camping ground, and Ellie decides to begin her own protest about the local chicken farm.

Lucas and his classmates are soon in more trouble than they imagined – but they refuse to give up with so much to lose.


Multi Award Winning author Leonie Agnew has given middle-grade readers another novel full of heart, adventure and this time, lots of laughs. Main character 11-year-old Lucas is telling the story as he navigates the possibility of having to move schools, and leave behind something precious.

He’s also unaware that his obsession with safety is connected to his dad. I loved the way his friends and family accepted this (even when it often drove them bonkers).  I read this new New Zealand novel in one sitting as the fate of Ashton Hill Primary hangs in the balance, and Lucas and his mates come up with plan after plan to try and save it.

Leonie Agnew is a school teacher, and this shines through her novels in the dynamics and dialogue between the characters. Leonie knows children and how they tick, giving readers authentic characters to cheer on and you will too after you meet Lucas, his family and the community of Ashton Hill. 


Author – Leonie Agnew

Illustrator – Paul Beavis

Age – 8+


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(2024, Penguin NZ, Aotearoa New Zealand, NZ Author, NZ Illustrator, Aliens, School Closure, Adventure, Funny, Humour, Grief, Animals, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Costume, Safety Procedures, Safety Paranoia, Clean Freak, Small Town NZ, Rural town, UFO’s, Aliens, Media, UFO Hunters)

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