Fern has always lived on Commodore Island where the wealthy come to party, play and relax.Tell Me My Name Book Review Cover

Her two dads are far from wealthy, preferring to do some things the old fashioned way: growing their own vegetables and building and renovating an old church into their home.

Watching from outside of the wealth and wild parties, she has always secretly wanted to be included, noticed and loved. Her childhood friend Ash comes from a wealthy family, and it never seemed to matter. But now they are 18 and he is handsome and popular, he has drifted away from Fern. Surely he knows how she truly feels about him?

When a famous teen singer (Ivy Avila) arrives on Commodore Island, she sees something in Fern that no-one else has. Maybe even a true friend – supportive, loyal and safe.

Finally being included, Fern drifts further and further away from her own friends and family, and is consumed by Ivy Avila, her fame, money, freedom and lifestyle. Alcohol and drugs become commonplace for Fern, but who has she really become?


Tell Me My Name is written from Fern’s point of view for most of this novel, switching to another where an unexpected twist is revealed.

A story of rich and poor, past and present, real or fake, loved or abused – all in a possible future of fractured communities and cities, with an impossible gap between wealthy and poor, rising oceans and ever increasing violent protests at the status quo.

The world is imploding just as Fern is within her new wealthy friend’s influence, greed and need.

Beautifully written, with dream-like scenes and poetic narration.


Author – Amy Reed

Age – 16+




(2021, Wealthy, Rich vs Poor, Drugs, Alcohol, Fame, Greed, Money, Rock Star, Island, Fake vs Real, Future, Rising Oceans, Protests, Armed Police, Crime, Murder, Partying, Pool, Parties, Lies, Truth, Relationships, Betrayal, Friendships)

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