Stanley isn’t looking forward to his first day of school. His plan to act invisible doesn’t go well as his teacher includes him in the School Science Fair. The Adventures of Invisible Boy Book Review Cover

His project is lack-lustre as he chucks something together with the art supplies he has been given, but his sister has put something together super-quick which looks amazing, but somehow looks a little familiar.

Stanley checks out the other Science Exhibits which make him even more embarrassed about his entry. One kid called Gene is making a fuss about his project – a stain remover. Boring… thinks Stanley. But what happens next is anything but.

By the end of the day, Stanley has won a prize, wrecked a young scientist’s display and become invisible! Cool! This is more like it! Stanley can do what he likes without teachers, parents or his big sister telling him he can’t.

Being invisible is awesome… for a while. But when he learns there is a strong possibility he might stay that way, he knows he must do everything to get back to his worried family. They can’t understand how he just vanished. He must find the mad scientist kid called Gene who invented the invisibility potion, and get him to change him back.

But Gene is suddenly invisible too and having his own fun. Unlike Stanley, it’s not for good.

Can Stanley find Gene, get back to normal, help a stray cat, and make a new friend too? Only more experiments, quick thinking, a smelly cat and his chucked-together project can help.


A full colour full-of-fun graphic novel.

This is the 1st episode in this series. Stanley is the new kid in class and isn’t impressed when his new teacher makes a fuss about having him join in the School Science Fair. He’d rather be invisible. The way this happens isn’t new but has hilarious consequences.

Stanley enjoys this sudden change and dubs himself Invisible Boy. He uses his new skills to do good – all the while as another boy who invented the invisibility potion chooses to be baaaad.

This makes a nice contrast for the storyline and there is an exciting battle of good vs evil / Stanley vs Gene with more freaky inventions, and entertaining results.

The story is wrapped up tidily until the last page when it seems they haven’t solved all their problems after all…

Looking forward to the next book in the series.



Author / Illustrator – Doogie Horner

Age – 8+

Graphic Novel




(2024, Scholastic, School, Science Projects, Inventions, Secret Laboratory, New School, Villains, Family, Sibling Rivalry, Ghost Catcher, Invisible, Invisibility, Accident, Science Fair, Humour, Funny, Geek, Science Nerd, Action, Good Deeds, Pranks, Tricks, Super Hero, Superheroes)

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