Meet the Enviroteen Super Heroes:

Binky – part echidna, part platypus, and a fashion and fast food fiend in her spare time.

Worried Norman – was bitten by a radioactive croissant and now uses cakes and muffins to become – PASTRY PERSON! Now he has super strength and mega brain power.

Letitia – a very clever but bossy inventor. Her best invention to date is a giant robot called Denise who comes in handy from time to time.

Fiendish fiend Singleuse Plastic Brendan and his billions of plastic microbeads are working together to kill every sea turtle and use their shells for useless items. His deshellinator is an evil machine that must be stopped!

After defeating Singleuse Plastic Brendan and saving tons of teeny turtles, the Enviroteens discover something even worse – Climate Change. When they learn that Climate Change is stealing beaches, flooding habitats and killing food supplies, they are desperate to do something about it. But hang on! Their parents and the adults and politicians around the world have known about Climate Change for decades. And they have done nothing! How can this be?

While they are learning more and raising awareness, evil is afoot. Spies are spying on the Enviroteens and their plans to eliminate Climate Change. Fake news is circulating the world – making the Enviroteens look like the baddies!

Can they beat the rich, powerful and greedy, save the beaches, defeat Singleuse Plastic Brendan and still have enough croissants for Worried Norman at the end of the day? Now they know the terrible truth – Humans are the problem.

A crazy, wacky tale of epic environmental proportions. The entire Earth is in danger and nobody seems to be doing anything about it!

The graphic novel format seems haphazard but is hilarious and informative with ‘true science’ sections interspersed throughout the tale. Fans of Andy Griffith and Terry Denton’s Treehouse Series will enjoy the signature style of Graphic artist, First Dog on the Moon.

Author / Illustrator – First Dog on the Moon

Age – 8+





(Humour, Action, Adventure, Animals, Bullies, Crime, Environment, Greed, Science, Funny, Microbeads, Plastic, Ocean rubbish, Single use, Waste, Politics, Capitalism, Habitat destruction, Climate Change, Global Warming, Temperature, Earth)

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