Megan is an exceptional artist. All she wants to do is draw, causing consternation at home and school as she is too focused on her fantastical creatures to listen when she should.

Her best friend and neighbour Li is a writer, building fantasy worlds for Megan’s creatures. Together they create amazing realities.

One day when Megan is in class, something incredibly strange happens. Her classmates seem quieter than usual. Even when the bell rings, there is no scraping chairs or busy feet rushing out the door.The Glow Book Review Cover Everyone moves slowly and quietly, walking in silence to the school bus or their parent’s cars as they stare at their phone screens.

A strange cold blue light is glowing on the screens and seems to have an effect on each owner. Even teachers and parents are seen staring into the light on their screens. At home, Megan’s normally loud and boisterous family are sitting quietly in front of a glowing blank TV screen. More freaked out than ever, Megan runs next door to Li, whose mum is also entranced and completely oblivious to anyone around her.

What is happening!

The girls are the only ones in their small coastal town to be unaffected by The Glow, and are soon on rescue missions as they go for help themselves.

Something eerie knows about these two, forcing pencil to paper and worlds to be written, without the girls knowing what they’re doing. What is coming for them and how can they stop it?


The Glow is a fast-paced quick read for accomplished readers from 8+. The characters are both 12 years old and they attend a local college in this eerie fantasy tale.

Being creative and excelling at building mystical creatures and the world they live in, seems to have opened a portal for something they cannot control. Just like their imaginations opening that door, it’s only their past creativity that can save them and everyone they know and love.

Goosebumps fans will love this obvious play on how we all become zombie-like in front of our screens – not interacting with others and missing out on things happening around us.

Just like Li’s storytelling skills balancing Megan’s drawing prowess, The Glow has stunning black and white pencil illustrations throughout the story by Marc McBride.


Author – Sophie Laguna

Illustrator – Mark McBride

Age – 8+ (Perfect for Creepy Monster lovers)


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(2023, Allen & Unwin, Weird, Creepy, Monsters, Action, Courage, Family, Fantasy, Friendship, Horror, Screenagers, Cell Phones, Screens, I-pads, Notebooks, Laptops, Computers, Internet, Google)

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