Recovering after his fight with the vicious Wilding/Leader of the Dark Wild, Kester has one thing on his mind – finding the brave mouse thatThe Wild Beyond Book Review Cover has the Iris – the recipe to restore life on Earth as it once was.

On his search through the flooded city of Premium, he hears another voice. It is coming from the water, where at first he sees nothing but a giant, red rimmed eye. A whale surfaces and Kester dives into the ‘fish road’ to hear her sing her story, and issue a warning for them all.

He sets a plan in motion just in time before the trio find themselves in the clutches of the vile Facto Corporation. Its CEO Selwyn Stone, announces to the people of Premium via giant screens and speakers that he has the solution to the Earth’s rising ocean’s, firestorms and severe shortage of food – A spaceship called The Ark, and a new planet habitable by humans.

Kester believes in the whale’s song more than Selwyn Stone’s rocket and will not give up on his Wild or the Earth. With the help of his birds and new dolphin friends they find what they seek and in the process, learn why Selwyn Stone has been so resolute in annihilating Nature.

In this final adventure and now the bravest they’ve ever been, Kester, Polly and Ada face a woman who will poison anyone or anything who defies her, a long scorching sea journey, giant stinging jellyfish, a hurricane, and a machete wielding madman. All they want is to save the world!


An exhilarating and revealing finale to The Last Wild series, The Wild Beyond gripped me from the beginning. It’s exiting, fast-paced, and altogether horrifying as Kester and his friends, both animal and human, face an ocean bare of fish, islands of rubbish on the sea, and air so polluted it eventually bursts into flame.

All food as we know it has gone, countries are under water and storms ravage the Earth. This series began in 2013, and would have seemed distinctly dystopian back then. As I read it now, its actually becoming all too possible.

The personal growth of main character Kester from a timid, tiny and mute boy to a inspiring leader of the animal kingdom is often terrifying but ultimately uplifting. The loyalty from his friends and animals is heartening and his solutions offer hope for their future.

Fantastic series.

Author – Piers Torday

Age – 9+


Read reviews of previous books in this series. (Click on a Cover)

The Last Wild Book Review Cover

The Dark Wild Book Review Cover














(2015, Animals, Action, Secret, Series, Courage, Future, Dystopian, Bullies, Blended Family, Revenge, glass teeth, Glass ship, Rat, Dog, Whale Warning, Ocean Journey, Jellyfish, Dolphins, Pigeons, Eagle, Rocket, Polly, Ada, Rescue, Animal Experiments, Origin story reveal, Siblings, Power, Guilt, Grief, Madness)


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