Mink ignores most childhood rules, one being bedtimes. She’d much rather be playing and having adventures.The Zebra's Great Escape Book Review Cover

One night as she glides high on her swing, she hears a strange noise in the bushes. This noise also has a long tongue that flicks out to lick her nose!

Out steps a creature that doesn’t belong in town. It’s a zebra!

A strange feeling comes over Mink and colours burst all around her. She can suddenly understand what the zebra is trying to tell her. His name is Gabriel and he needs her help.

Mink knows she will need some help herself. She decides to ask a grumpy dog she knows named Rainbow, not sure if the same magic will happen with him? Sure enough, she sees his colours too, understanding him. Together they hatch a plan to help Gabriel and his kidnapped parents.

Meanwhile… an evil man named Mr Spit is caging Gabriel’s parents along with a menagerie of other animals.

Can Mink and her furry friends save them too?


Best selling author Katherine Rundell and illustrator Sara Olgivie have come together to give emerging readers an adventure filled with exotic animals, a courageous hero and a baddie to boo at.

In three parts this could be a wonderful bedtime read or classroom favourite.

An unexpected power of speaking to animals adds a magical element to this gorgeous production, beginning and ending with lifelike zebra stripes hiding under the book jacket.


Author – Katherine Rundell

Illustrator – Sara Olgivie

Picture Book





(2022, Action, Animals, Zebra, Talk to Animals, Dog, Humour, Bravery, Courage, Kidnap, Rescue, Cages, Alphabet, Taxidermy, Collection)


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