Once upon a time there was a celebration in a kingdom far away. A baby girl has just been born and lords and ladies come to see her fromThornwood Book Review Cover near and far. An uninvited guest arrives, angry she didn’t receive an invitation…

At least that’s how we know the beginning of the classic fairytale Sleeping Beauty.

But… did you know Sleeping Beauty had a younger sister? Briony is smart and kind, but not beautiful or graceful like her big sister. Although loved by her royal parents, Briony is ignored much of the time as she is not important in the whole ‘prick your finger on a spinning wheel and die‘ scenario her big sister has lived with all their life.

When Briony is the first to wake after the required 100 year spell, she knows something is a bit off. Wasn’t her sister supposed to wake after being kissed by a handsome prince, and then everyone in the castle wakes too? At least that’s what the fairy godmother had promised.

The prince however might not be who he claims to be. The forest of thorns is behaving weirdly too. Wasn’t it supposed to wither and die when the evil spell was broken. The Thornwood these princess sisters are facing is coming after their blood – through the walls and up through the floors!

The fairy godmother they all believed in has a completely different agenda, laughing at humankind and their Disney-like fascination with happy endings.

Is it time for Briony to shine as the castle staff revolt, the prince shows his true colours and Sleeping Beauty reveals a shocking secret of her own?


This is the first in a series of classic fairytale retellings. The truth behind the story is far more macabre then we ever could have dreamed, and fairy magic is nowhere near sweetness and light.

The story unwinds slowly, as the original plot unravels into a tale of secrets, evil and selfish plans.

Cleverly plotted with a new character in the fairytale sharing her thoughts, worries and plans along the way, Thornwood is very easy to be caught up in, just like the thorns the characters are fighting off with everything they have.


Author – Leah Cypess

Age – 10+




(2021, Penguin Random, Series, Classic, Action, Humour, Sibling Rivalry, Sisters, Fairytale, Sleeping Beauty, Prince, Kiss, Magic, Fairy, Fairies, Godmother, Castle, Plots, Evil plans, Lies, Bargains made)

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