Silver is just as surprised as her mother to learn that her dad has accepted a three month artist position in Costa Rica. It seems a world awayTurtle Moon Book Review Cover from their home in the UK, and it feels like it after their long plane journey. They are relieved to finally arrive.

Everyone is friendly as they learn about their surroundings, meet the people they will be with for the next three months and understand what has brought them so far from home.

Turtles are disappearing from our oceans. There are so many reasons, including sea pollution of plastics, oil and so many other toxins. There are less turtles being born which is alarming because already very few turtle hatchings survive from the dozens that hatch alongside them.

The worst statistic is the fact that turtle eggs are seen as a delicacy in many countries, so poaching is rife wherever turtles lay their eggs. They are not even safe in their hatchery behind locked gates and 24 hour guard.

Silver’s dad illustrated a very popular children’s book a few years before, and a fan of his work has invited him to the sanctuary to design artwork to promote the plight of so many turtle species. Dad has jumped at the chance of an adventure for his family, but mostly to try and help Silver’s mum who can’t seem to get over not being able to give Silver a sibling.

Silver has seen her mum’s spark diminish, but the bright greens of the jungle, the other animals needing care besides the turtles and the richness of their new surroundings doesn’t seem to be able to pierce her melancholy. Silver however, has put aside her fears of giant spiders and snakes and being a tree lover, has embraced the new world around her. A new friend named Raphael has helped her settle in, and be part of caring for the turtles under the sanctuary’s care.

Silver loves every day, but cannot put aside the thought that she has been hiding for a while. Isn’t she enough for her mother?

A storm one night brings everything to the surface, and a dash through the jungle among jaguars, deadly snakes and other terrors is weighed up against losing everything they’ve worked for.


Another Hannah Gold adventure for animal lovers! Highlighting the plight of animals around the world in her novels, Turtle Moon is also full of action, friendship, heart and hope. Along the way we learn about the plight of many different species of turtles and the threats against them.

The characters of Turtle Moon are credible and likeable, all different in their own way. Main character Silver is already connected to a love of nature through her bond with an oak tree at her home, so being allowed to learn about the animal life and rainforest instead of going to a Costa Rican school, suits her down to the ground.

Her new friend Raphael seems to be able to talk to animals, and whether this is to be believed or not, who didn’t want to do that when they were ten? I certainly did. A monkey causes havoc, but has a message of it’s own, along with a grieving mother sloth.

With a satisfying, hopeful and authentic ending, Turtle Moon is perfect for any young person passionate about the environment and animal life. And who knew that only 1 in 1000 turtle hatchlings grow to adults?


Author – Hannah Gold

Illustrator – Levi Pinfold

Age – 8+


More great reads by Hannah Gold here






(2024, Harper Collins, Action, Adventure, Animals, Courage, Crime, Environment, Family, Friendship, Costa Rica, Turtles, Mothers, Sloth, Monkey, Leatherback turtles, Poaching, Animal Sanctuary, Jungle, Rain Forest, Tree hut)


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