Right now…
Neon is nervous. Aria, his girlfriend of two years is in the next room waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. He is ready, and Aria has told him she is too. They haven’t rushed this, wanting it to be perfect, and their journey to this moment has been a long one.
24 seconds ago…
Neon is wondering what would be happening if it was a movie – not his real life.
24 minutes before…
Standing at Aria’s front door, Neon is facing the hand made door knocker her family are famous for crafting. He has Aria’s favourite snack of chicken tenders for her, and marvels once again over the colour of the house and the reasons for it. He himself helped paint Aria’s home, two years before.
24 hours before…
Neon is in school with Aria and his friends. They are joking around about getting ‘together’ with one friend claiming to be the very best at the art of love. Later, Neon’s big sister Nat gives him more useful advice.
24 days before…
Spending time with his Grammy on her daily walk to the cemetery to visit his grandfather’s grave, Neon listens to Grammy’s tales of her married life. Grammy is wise, funny and her wisdom freely shared. Neon respects her enough to listen. At his age, and after being with Aria for nearly two years and in their senior year of high school, Nee’s mum decides it’s time for him to also hear her advice.
24 weeks before…
It’s Halloween and Neon is working at his dad’s business – a popular bingo hall. Being connected to the place where many gamble more than they should, has brought Neon problems – both physical and mental, but he’s learnt how to handle them. Dad has always told Neon and his sister, “Don’t bring any babies home, unless they can count money.” (He needs an accountant more than another mouth to feed). Neon knows what he means and knows to be prepared if he and Aria take that next step.
24 months before…
Neon meets Aria…
Another beautifully written novel about growing up, dealing with challenges, taking on other’s views and advice on the world, and making your own choices.
Twenty-Four Seconds From Now is a love story, but in this novel, the reader is taken back through time and a budding relationship between two seniors in high school. Neon tells the story in his own words, and he made me smile, laugh out loud, cringe at his embarrassed moments, and feel for him in his anticipation and anxiety as he and his girl Aria decide they are ready to take their relationship to the next level.
What I love most about this book is that Jason Reynolds gives the reader answers to questions they may have, non preachy advice from older characters, and authentic characters to fall in love with.
Author – Jason Reynolds
Age – 14+
(2025, Faber, Love, Romance, Growing Up, Inter generational Relationships, Family, Friends, School, Advice, Humour, Bingo Hall, Decisions, Tale told backwards, Multi Award winning Author, America, African American, Black, Authentic Characters)