Violet Grumble loves music. She has grown up with it all around her and her mum has told her stories about her travels as a bass player in bands. Now Violet isViolet and the Velvets Book Review Cover a bass player herself and is excited to audition for the school band.

There are many auditioning, and Violet doesn’t like to say, but some are much better than others. But her teacher says they’re all in. What? That means three guitars and too many singers. That won’t work!

Violet has a solution. She gets her friends together and gives them her idea. They start their own band. At first, they don’t believe her. They can’t even play any instruments! But Violet is determined. Especially since she watched a Band Competition the year before, with mostly boys with instruments, and boys winning all the prizes. This is their chance to shine.

The start is rocky with so much to teach and learn among the band. Violet refuses to give up, encouraging her friends to keep practising. This suddenly becomes impossible as important equipment begins to go missing. What is happening? Will they find out before the competition date arrives?

Violet and her band mates discover the answers to this terrible conundrum, which brings other problems. All they want to do is play, and have a chance to compete after all their hard work. Was it all for nothing?


Violet and the Velvets is a fun, musical, middle grade novel. Violet Grumble is the star of the book with her can-do attitude, fun personality and authentic challenges. ADHD is in the mix, as Violet explains how it affects her day to day – with strengths and things that don’t quite go as well as they should. Her easy to like authentic personality shares all the trials and tribulations of starting, encouraging and being in a band.

The villain of the story is also authentic and dastardly as she carries out her plans – but not all evil, as the reader will discover.

Violet’s description of her mum might just be a little like the author of this first book in this new New Zealand series. The well spaced large font, doodles and illustrations throughout and friendship dynamics between Violet and her besties will capture readers hearts.

Go Violet and the Velvets!


Author – Rachel King

Illustrator – Phoebe Morris

Age – 9+





(2025, Allen & Unwin, Humour, NZ, Aotearoa, New Zealand, Music, Friendship, Series, School, Betrayal, Band, Competition, Practising, Bass Player, Mystery)


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