Watson loves to find things. His owner Jon throws ball after ball for his young dog to fetch, and time after time he returns, earning his name from Watson the detective,
“…because he never gives up the search…”Â
He becomes so good, Jon believes he would make a great conservation dog. When a conservation worker comes to meet Watson, he agrees that with special training he could do a specific job that humans aren’t equipped for with their heavy feet.
A tiny freshwater fish called Ä«nanga (whitebait) need help to survive. Their homes along river banks are being polluted by people and they must be found and moved to cleaner and safer waters. Watson is the dog for the job!
His training soon begins, and Jon and his biology students love watching Watson in action. Even a television crew come to see Watson work.
Soon, this detective dog is put to the real test!
For animal lovers everywhere, Watson the Detective Dog‘s bright, cheeky nature shines off the page through Jenny Cooper’s illustrations. Teamed up with avid animal lover and author Susan Brocker, this picture book is a window into the training of special dogs to aid in New Zealand Conservation work.
We all know of dogs working in the Police, Border control and Blind Low Vision NZ, but Conservation dogs aren’t so well known in their important work of the Department of Conservation NZ.
I loved it when Watson’s training is interrupted by Watson’s other loves beside the game of fetch. Pukeko poo, smelly socks, apples and piglets also make Watson’s tail wag.Â
Based on a true story and dog named Watson, trained by owners Jon and Chloe Cope.
Author – Susan Brocker
Illustrator – Jenny Cooper
Picture Book
(2024, Scholastic NZ, New Zealand, Aotearoa, Animals, Dogs, Fetch, Training, Conservation dog, Saving Ä«nanga, Whitebait, Polluted rivers, TV crew, Animal lovers, Based on a true story, NZ Native Species)