The Sun is just waking up, its rays of light stretching across the sky. A lone Pīhoihoi balances on a thistle flower marveling at the sky’sWhat Colour is the Sky? Book Review Cover colours.

What Colour is the Sky? wonders Pihoihoi.

The Sun’s face is larger now, glowing on the horizon as it heads for its place high in the sky. A Hedgehog preparing for sleep grumbles an answer, and Hare is quick to add another. Two completely different opinions. Which one is right?

Hare and Pihoihoi set off to find a solution. Receiving even more conflicting answers from other creatures brings only confusion to the furry and feathered friends. Hare’s getting grumpy, but Pīhoihoi is thinking on the problem. It is Ruru who gives the special word they need to finally understand.


A gorgeous hardback Picture Book to read with small children, but with a piece of wisdom for all ages. What Colour Is the Sky? is beautifully illustrated and not to be rushed. Like its award winning predecessor Hare & Ruru, this is a gentle book to be read at a quiet time of day.

The realisation of its characters that everyone is different and may see things as simple as the sky in their own way, is a topic than can be ventured into with a child if needed. It can also be explored at an even younger child’s pace as they enjoy the creatures on each page among the soft hues of the illustrations.

As I turned each page I thought, this is my favourite page. Until I turned another page and fell in love with that one too. The emotions of the animals are clear in their faces, and the different perspectives are stunning. Whether low on the same level of a mouse or from high in the sky above a Ruru, the same question is asked of the creatures Hare and Pīhoihoi come across.

Look for the story’s animals in the last double page spread and there is also a fascinating section in the back of the book explaining a little about how some animals see the world.

Author / Illustrator – Laura Shallcrass

Picture Book




(2021, Beatnik Publishing, Award Winning Author Illustrator, NZ, New Zealand Author Illustrator, Animals, Flora and Fauna, Nature, Colours, Questions, Understanding, Empathy, Patience, Morning, Dawn, Wise, Wisdom, Ruru)


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