Amy is a positive person, and she will tell you this a lot. But when things got messy at school and totally unfair, and the same thing wasYou're not the Boss of me Book Review Cover happening at home, it began to get tricky being positive all the time.

Amy loves comedy and has written comedy skits for years with friends and on her own. When she is finally old enough to write for the school comedy show, she is more than ready.

About to submit her first three skits that she has worked hard on and know are funny, she comes up against a brick wall – Harry. Their stressed out and unorganised (in Amy’s opinion) teacher Mrs Hague has delegated her job of supervising the whole show to a group of boys who are led by a boy who hates Amy and is loud and clear about it. Amy’s not sure whether this dislike comes from a party years before when she hit Harry with the bat instead of the piniata.

No matter how hard she tries, argues, goes up against Harry, he will not accept her plays. In fact he just drops them on the floor. Amy decides – This is war!

She has been working on other things for the show with musicians and dancers, all the while plotting how to get past Harry. She comes up with a devious plan.

Amy being Amy, she is organised. And while her war is raging against Harry and his cronies, she decides to help her parents out at home who are so busy with their demanding careers, that jobs aren’t getting done. Her efforts are meant well but have sometimes painful, sometimes expensive and always disastrous results.

It soon all becomes too much. Is her home always to be a muddle? Is her comedy career over before it has begun?


Another funny read by this author, who has nailed school dynamics perfectly. There are power plays, sibling bullying, popularity stakes and fracturing friendships. There is also sexism, feminism, a worn out teacher and overworked parents.

This mix begins with a slow boil and as it is stirred throughout the plot by warring parties, it gradually becomes a showdown which had me shaking my fist and yelling ‘Yes!’ out loud.

Funny, engaging, and even informative about society (Amy’s big sister surprises her with how smart she is on this topic) You’re Not the Boss of Me shows many different personalities in life, school and family.  


Author – Catherine Wilkins

Age – 11+






(2022, Allen & Unwin, Nosy Crow, Comedy, Funny, Humour, School, Show, Play, Skits, Sketches, Feminism, Sexism, Trouble, Home life, Siblings, Family, Standing up for yourself, Positivity, Friendships, Shyness, Popularity, Bullying, Creativity, Song, Sing, Dance, Music)


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