Ziba is crammed on the deck of a boat with dozens of others. As the small craft protests against the weight of its human cargo, Ziba closes her eyes to remember her home as it once was. Warm laughter and houses, and cool water and homemade yoghurt. Rich spices and her father’s arms around her.

But that was before the gunfire and the darkness which they have fled from. The promise of a new life awaits them.


The atmospheric and sumptuous illustrations portray the cold of the ocean that surrounds them, and the warmth of Ziba’s mud-brick family home that she remembers. Her father’s frown betrays his worry and her mother’s smile reveals her hope for their future.

Author – Liz Lofthouse

Illustrator – Robert Ingpen

Picture Book




(Immigrants, Immigration, Boat, Ocean, Flee, War, Hope, Refugee)

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