Batpig – Space Farce Gary Yorkshire loves great-tasting sandwiches, mud baths, video games and hanging out with his friends, Brooklyn .....
The Class that Wouldn’t End Maths class is no fun for Gary Pig or Carl Fishington. Only their friend Brooklyn .....
Lily and Lucy live with their Grandad. At only six and nine and three quarters old, they are very worried .....
Larry wasn’t left behind on purpose, but somehow he’d been dropped at the zoo. The giraffe keeper picked him up .....
The Sun is just waking up, its rays of light stretching across the sky. A lone Pīhoihoi balances on a .....
George’s dad is the manager of a large English estate. Both George and Dad like the owner (Lady Jane) and .....
Have you ever heard of a Gharial? What about a Zebu? These are just two of the strange animals in .....
Peter has tried to keep busy since the day he left Pax behind. It’s been a year, and a difficult .....
Rabbit friends Muki and Pickles are out walking on a beautiful sunny day, talking about the very best cake they’ve .....
Chippy Mc Neish is reading the newspaper when he spies an advertisement: MEN WANTED FOR A DANGEROUS JOURNEY TO THE ANTARCTIC .....
War is approaching as Hitler flexes his might and invades Poland. England is preparing for war even before it happens, .....
Leo feels like an alien. He doesn’t enjoy the world outside his bedroom. It’s too noisy, too bright, and too .....
Eight year old Hōhepa is singing at the top of his lungs. “He hōnore, he korōria!” He is on his .....
Eugene was looking forward to his cousins, Nelson, Beth and Porter to arrive on the island for Christmas. Being the .....
The Takahe is a large flightless native bird of New Zealand. It can be up to 3kg in weight and .....
Andrew Burt is ready for an adventure. He’s 14 and he’s been chosen to assist Mr Richard Henry who has .....
The drive from Cornwall is a long way to the tiny island of Unst in Shetland, Scotland. Julia, her parents .....
Adam knows what he saw. It stood in the middle of the road, and his dad swerved to avoid it. .....
Bo Bimble is small and green with black beady eyes and little hands at the ends of her stumpy wings. .....
Once upon a time there were two royal kittens… They are brothers and live with a family in Wellington NZ. .....
Old MacDonald had a farm… with a tiny polka-dotted red tea pot. Little does he know that inside this teapot .....
Caitlin is looking forward to her summer holidays at her Grandad’s beachside batch. She has spent many summers there and .....
Nadia Quick is Superman mad. Without a doubt, she believes him to be the very best superhero. Not because of .....